Education Credits to Help

Two Education Credits Help Taxpayers with College Costs With school back in session, parents and students should look into tax credits that can help with the cost of higher education. They do this by reducing the amount of tax someone owes on their tax return. If the...

Tax Credit for Other Dependents

Taxpayers with dependents may qualify to claim a few different tax credits. One of these is the child tax credit. The child tax credit benefits people whose dependent meets a series of tests. If the dependent doesn’t meet those qualifications, the taxpayer may be...

Include Your Home Office as a Tax Deduction

Taxpayers/business owners who use their home for business may be eligible to claim a home office deduction. It allows qualifying taxpayers to deduct certain home expenses on their tax return. This can reduce the amount of the taxpayer’s taxable income. Below are some...

Know Your Tax Exemptions & Deductions

The last thing anyone wants is to find out that the IRS is billing them for a couple of grand or that they owe a penalty. As we have heard countless times, it is better to overpay and receive a return than to pay too little and have another bill to worry about. If you...

Tips for Teens with Jobs

With summer here, many students will turn their attention to making money from a summer job. Whether it’s flipping burgers or filing documents, the IRS wants student workers to know some facts about their summer jobs and taxes. New Employees Employees – including...