New 100% Depreciation

The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service today released final regulations and additional proposed regulations under section 168(k) of the Internal Revenue Code on the new 100% additional first-year depreciation deduction that allows businesses to write...

Know Your Tax Exemptions & Deductions

The last thing anyone wants is to find out that the IRS is billing them for a couple of grand or that they owe a penalty. As we have heard countless times, it is better to overpay and receive a return than to pay too little and have another bill to worry about. If you...

Tax Benefits of Summer

Summertime is family vacations, going to the beach and anything else from buying a new house to cleaning their old one. Taxpayers who itemize their deductions may be doing things this summer that will affect the tax returns they file next year. The higher standard...

Car Expenses – Claim Them – Yes or No

Please re-verify if you are still eligible to continue to claim the business use of your car even though you may have on past tax returns. Some taxpayers can. Some cannot. Here’s a breakdown of which taxpayers can claim this deduction when they file their tax returns....

Paycheck Checkup

It’s the middle of the year. Have you done a “Paycheck Checkup” yet? It is always a good idea for taxpayers who work multiple jobs or who may be adding summer employment to complete a Paycheck Checkup. Why? Doing this will help you check if you are...

Tax Deductions for Educators

Educators may be able to deduct unreimbursed expenses on their tax return. This deduction can put money right back in the pockets of eligible teachers and other educators. Here are some things to know about this deduction. Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash Educators can...