Taxpayers Can Go Paperless For IRS Correspondence

IRS to achieve paperless processing for all tax returns by filing season 2025 IRS paperless processing initiative will eliminate up to 200 million pieces of paper annually, cut processing times in half, and expedite refunds by several weeks Paper-based processes have...

Warning Taxpayers of A New Tax Scam

Tax Scam Misleading People The Internal Revenue Service warned taxpayers to be on the lookout for a new tax scam mailing that tries to mislead people into believing they are owed a refund. The new scheme involves a mailing coming in a cardboard envelope from a...

IRS Offers Tips on Disaster Preparedness

Tips On Preparedness and How To Protect Personal Information In regards to National Hurricane Preparedness and National Wildfire Awareness month, the IRS is reminding taxpayers to protect important tax and financial information as part of a complete emergency disaster...

Claim $1.5 Billion In IRS Refunds

Time’s Running Out – July 17th Deadline The Internal Revenue Service announced that nearly 1.5 million people across the nation have unclaimed refunds for tax year 2019 but face a July 17 deadline to submit their tax return. The IRS estimates almost $1.5...

Interest Rates Remain The Same For Q2

The IRS announced that interest rates will remain the same for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 2023. For individuals, the rate for overpayments and underpayments will be 7% per year, compounded daily. Here is a complete list of the new rates: 7% for...